Will You
In Time?

Escape The Meeting

Hone your team's creative thinking skills through an immersive escape simulation

Have you ever felt trapped in a boring meeting?

Wish you could escape?

Now you can... If you have what it takes.

Escape The Meeting is an immersive simulation for teams designed by Erica Swiatek, and Ismet Mamnoon at Innovation Bound to teach creative problem solving skills. It is based on the Creative Problem Solving model, embraces elements of gamification, and integrates elegantly with multiple assessments such as Myers-Briggs and Foursight.

How does Escape The Meeting Work?


Escape the Meeting begins by splitting participants up into teams and immersing them in a simulation to escape a boring meeting; an unfortunately common experience. They compete against one another and the clock, identifying clues and solving puzzles as quickly as they can. Participants may start out polite and orderly, but as time pressure accumulates, habits take hold and problem solving styles clash. If they can work effectively as a team and solve the puzzles in time, they "Escape The Meeting".

Why Play A Game?

When you play, you don't mask anything. Your habits preferences, deficits, and strengths are all brought to light by immersion, creating an authentic opportunity for personal and professional development.

You can learn more about about someone in one hour of play, than a year of conversation.

- Plato

Having undergone Escape The Meeting, participants are ready to understand their own work preferences, problem solving tendencies, and their team's collaboration capabilities in a detailed and thoughtful manner. In this setting, assessment profiles from Myers-Briggs or Foursight have much more relevance than as standalones.

The Full-day Package

Following the simulation, participants debrief their assessment results together, learn the basics of Creative Problem Solving, and go through a series of short activities to learn specific tools and techniques they can use to be more effective creative problem-solvers in their jobs. We can tailor activities here to meet specific learning objectives you may have.

Becoming Better Creative Problem Solvers

Teams work well when solving the same types of problems they're used to solving, but what happens when they face new challenges? The demographics of their marketplace or workforce change. A new innovation takes their industry online. Economic shocks disrupt operations. As technology improves, more and more routine tasks are being handled by robots and algorithms. The difficult work of change is left to us. Teams capable of thinking creatively to tackle new challenges are a precious asset in organizations today, and that is precisely what we help to forge.