At The Intersection Of Learning And Innovation

How do humans learn and grow and what's it got to do with making change?

Photo of Sofia-Jeanne Caring
Sofia-Jeanne Caring »
Resident Organizational Psychologist at Innovation Bound

A riveting intellectual adventure into the world of organizational psychology, learning and development, creativity, and innovation.




Meet Sofia-Jeanne Caring

Sofia-Jeanne is on a quest to understand human development and organizational learning. She is our resident organizational psychologist here at Innovation Bound, and she joins the podcast today to introduce herself, teach us about learning and organizations, and have some run-of-the-mill philosophical discourse with our host.

What Is The Learning Organization?

Among organizational psychologists, The Learning Organization is an ideal. It's also a model that describes how an organization can continuously improves its ability to define and achieve its goals.

Adult Development

When do you stop growing up?

We speak and behave in ways that make it seem like an adult and a child are two distinct things. When you're a grown up, you'll understand. ... and so on. But, is that really how things go? Do you transform when you cross the stage and grasp your diploma? Or is something else going on?

Individual » Organization » World

How does it all come together? Individuals can develop and improve, organizations can learn and change. What does that mean for the world? Will things improve steadily forever? What are the risks?

Change Champions and Bright Spots

If you want to make change, start where change is already being made.

Innovation: Small and Large

Whether you're creating something entirely new, or creating something incrementally new (the invention of film vs a single new movie), the act of innovating remains the same.

Levels Of Learning

What are the different levels at which we learn? What do they imply about one's psychology and present opportunities?

The Virtue Of Excellence

Sofia-Jeanne shares her experience working at organizations that drive hard for high quality outcomes, and what becomes possible when organizations aim their sights high.

Sailing To Save The Oceans

Plug, plug, plug... for Sailing to Save the Oceans, an Innovation Bound collaboration with a wonderful ocean charity we know and love that is casting out on mission-based sailing expeditions to combat plastic ocean pollution.

⛵ Want to come sailing with us?

Click here: Sailing to Save the Oceans

Incredible Incrementalism

What do we want?!


When do we want it?!


The Spider-Man Story

Does suffering make us better? ...Or worse?

Let's look to comic books for some guidance.

Who Am I?

The question at the core of human development. Perhaps the only real question anyone might ask themselves...

Sources & Mentions

The Recurse Center (formerly Hacker School), Link